jquerymy.js ‹{}›

jquerymy 1.3.4

jquerymy-1.3.4.min.js63.3kB  · jquerymy-1.3.4.js145 kB

Added async functions support. Fixed some issues exposed by lgtm static analysis. Unsortable items are no more deleted from arrays bound to lists. JSON serializer received option for generating prettified output.

— June 9, 2024

jquerymy 1.2.18

jquerymy-1.2.18.min.js60.2kB  · jquerymy-1.2.18.js138 kB

Added select2 v4 support, list elements now allow functions as validators.

— August 29, 2021

jquerymy 1.2.16

jquerymy-1.2.16.min.js60kB  · jquerymy-1.2.16.js136 kB

Minor fixes in modal and formgen.

— August 23, 2019

jquerymy 1.2.14

jquerymy-1.2.14.min.js60kB  · jquerymy-1.2.14.js136 kB

Fixes #46. 1.2.12 added support for email and tel input types.

— November 19, 2017

jquerymy 1.2.11

jquerymy-1.2.11.min.js60kB  · jquerymy-1.2.11.js136 kB

Fixes serious modal dlg bug: modals are now able to close if their pivot DOM node was removed. 

— October 10, 2017

jquerymy 1.2.10

jquerymy-1.2.10.min.js60kB  · jquerymy-1.2.10.js136 kB

Minor improvements, small bug fixes in $.my.modal plugin. Fixed #38, #39.

— April 9, 2017

jquerymy 1.2.8

jquerymy-1.2.8.min.js60kB  · jquerymy-1.2.8.js135 kB

Fixed #33, #35.

— 4 of November, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.7

jquerymy-1.2.7.min.js59kB  · jquerymy-1.2.7.js134 kB

All calls of $obj.size method replaced with $obj.length according to #27. This replacement does not automatically mean $.my is fully compatible with new jQuery 3.x in all possible cases.

— 30 of July, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.6

jquerymy-1.2.6.min.js59kB  · jquerymy-1.2.6.js134 kB

Fixed #17. Added new experimental i18n .lang feature.

— 27 of June, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.5

jquerymy-1.2.5.min.js58kB  · jquerymy-1.2.5.js132 kB

Bug fix release. Fixed #24, #25

— 12 of May, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.4

jquerymy-1.2.4.min.js58kB  · jquerymy-1.2.4.js131 kB

Bug fix release.

  • Fixed #21
  • .style section now understands @media keys
  • modals in the same root bubble on mousedown

— 5 of March, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.2

jquerymy-1.2.2.min.js57kB  · jquerymy-1.2.2.js130 kB

Bug fix release.

  • Fixed #20
  • Fixed some minor specialties with modals

— 10 of February, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.1

jquerymy-1.2.1.min.js57kB  · jquerymy-1.2.1.js129 kB

Bug fix release.

  • Fixed #18, multiple select works fine
  • Fixed #19, disabled controls can react on check event
  • Minor speed ups and optimizations

— 13 of January, 2016

jquerymy 1.2.0

jquerymy-1.2.0.min.js57kB  · jquerymy-1.2.0.js129 kB

Optimizations release.

  • this.my[method]() from inside a manifest fn calls $root.my("method")
  • this.my.indom() returns is form in document DOM
  • added .merge field for list sections
  • $.my.tojson sped up ~40 times for functions serialization
  • list performance greatly improved for lists of branchy objects and long (hundreds and thousands entries) lists
  • subsequent modals in one container do not pop under
  • $.formgen receives string as an argument
Started deprecation of the third argument in .bind, .check, .css functions in favor of this.my proxy.
Since this version jquerymy.js development moved into browser, to Ddoc Lab derived IDE. It now looks like this:
jQuery.my became 1000+ ⭐️ Github repo. Thanks all who appreciated my work!

— 12 of December, 2015

Versions 0.9.9–1.1.9

jquerymy 1.1.9

jquerymy-1.1.9.min.js57kB  · jquerymy-1.1.9.js118 kB

Bug fix release.

  • Modal dlg positioned correctly when applied to root that is scrollable
  • Minor bug fixes in lists
  • $.my.f.unmask now works with 3 arguments

— 10 of September, 2015

jquerymy 1.1.8

jquerymy-1.1.8.min.js57kB  · jquerymy-1.1.8.js118 kB

Minor new features release.

  • Modal dlg hides own ‘nose’ on drag start
  • $form.my("restyle") forces local style recalculation for the form and its visible childs
  • $.my.f.getref(obj, ref) accepts both strings and arrays as ref path. Strings now can be like "x.list.id=123.data" — to effectively fetch elt from array not by index, but by contant.
  • $.my JSON parser now understands named stringified function definitions like {"fn":"function n(){}"}.
  • Form can change own .error property during init/runtime if it was a string in source manifest.

— 17 of July, 2015

jquerymy 1.1.7

jquerymy-1.1.7.min.js55kB  · jquerymy-1.1.7.js116 kB

Bug fix release.

  • Minor bug fixes in $.modal plugin
  • Init no more stalls if memebers of .files are non-objects or base64 are empty strings
  • several bug fixes in list implementation

— 18 of June, 2015

jquerymy 1.1.4

jquerymy-1.1.4.min.js55kB  · jquerymy-1.1.4.js116 kB

Bug fixes and V8 optimizations.

  • Selectmenu plugin of jQuery UI works fine
  • Unjson does not fail on non-objects
  • Minor documentation updates

— 9 of May, 2015

jquerymy 1.1.3

jquerymy-1.1.3.min.js55kB  · jquerymy-1.1.3.js115 kB


  • Internal ajax calls (require members) can now be decorated, used in cloudwall.
  • Fixed issue with manifest cache, that could produce mess in manifest code (no more remnants of old manifests can be migrate in new code)
  • Fixed bug that terminated restyle cycle too early if one of hooks thrown error

Project cloudwall.me repositioned as noBackend OS for webapps. Built-in CloudWall IDE now is stable and useful.

— 17 of April, 2015

jquerymy 1.1.0

jquerymy-1.1.0.min.js, 57kB  · jquerymy-1.1.0.js114 kB


  • Pub/sub functionality using radio and listen properties.
  • Form instance can now inherit methods or properties from ancestor form the app is attached to. Manifest’s properties inherit and expose define this behavior.
  • Modal can be bound to it’s root container.
  • Modal nose always point to center of pivot object, regardless of align or bound shift.
  • Function-defined form styles can now be recalculated on window resize — params.restyle property defines delay between subsequent recalcs.
  • Added die function which is called when app is disbanded or removed.

Small bug fixes. Still fighting for consistent update model for all edge cases of lists.

Published demo JSON editor, recursive $.my app that invokes itself as child nodes.

— 12 of January, 2015

jquerymy 1.0.3

jquerymy-1.0.3.min.js54kB  · jquerymy-1.0.3.js106 kB

Bug fix release.

— 15 of October, 2014

jquerymy 1.0.2

jquerymy-1.0.2.min.js53kB  · jquerymy-1.0.2.js105 kB


  • now non-modal dialogs are supported 
  • modal and non-modals can be attached to a particular form instance — and close on parent form being removed
  • long list render is significantly optimized

CDN of libs created.

— 11 of September, 2014

jquerymy 1.0.0

jquerymy-1.0.0.min.js49kB  · jquerymy-1.0.0.js98 kB

Major version number update. Changes/updates are:

  • new require property of a manifest — list of external resources or plugins, pre-checked and, if needed, pre-loaded before main init sequence of a form
  • files property — list of inlined binary resources, that receive session objectURL on form start
  • branches of the style property are allowed to be text css, not objects. Rules defined using text representation become form-local on form start.
  • hash and id functions can be defined for list items explicitly
  • eval() is not used any more, now only Function() and RegExp()
  • bind now understands "this.Nodename" format for linking controls with manifest branches

— 4 of August, 2014

jquerymy 0.9.9

jquerymy-0.9.9.min.js44 kB  ·  jquerymy-0.9.9.js86 kB

Pre-1.0 stub release. Main changes:

  • form destructor unbinds events and plugins more thoroughly
  • number 0 does not turn to "" when put to input
  • container-getter performance increased
  • HTML tags section, fieldset, form, aside are now binded via their class attribute, not HTML content like div or span
  • added $.my.chain(fnToQueue, delayAfter)$.my.chain.start(true) for building async queues. fnToQueue can return promise.

jQuery.my celebrates 2nd anniversary.

— 29 of June, 2014

Earlier versions


jquerymy-0.9.7.min.js43 kB  ·  jquerymy-0.9.7.js84 kB

Several issues relative to async init are fixed. New features:

  • external plugin generated controls are now destroyed when form destructor is invoked
  • new manifest style property, allows to create runtime css styles, that only applied to form contents 
  • new method $.my.cache() for managing internal manifest repo

CloudWall.me project started. It use $.my to run apps.

— 10 of May, 2014


jquerymy-0.9.4.min.js40 kB  ·  jquerymy-0.9.4.js80 kB

Features update:

  • jQuery.my is async now, any init-function can return promise
  • CodeMirror support added
  • jscrush minification removed, no gain when gzipped
  • child manifest can be a function that returns manifest parsing data row
  • $.my.modal()

— 5 of May, 2014


jquery.my-0.8.2.min.js18.7 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.8.2.js49 kB

Bug fix release. JSON-encoded manifests now parsed in IE8, Redactor 9 is supported now. Many small optimizations.

— 28 of November, 2013


jquery.my-0.8.0.min.js17 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.8.0.js49 kB

Added lists of child forms. Minified with modified jscrush compressor, less than 20kB now. 

— 15 of September, 2013


jquery.my-0.7.7.min.js22 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.7.7.js43 kB

Every function inside manifest now receives this object referencing manifest. The feature allows use of shared dictionaries inside bind, check, init and css functions.

Also $.my.formgen service function added.



jquery.my-0.7.3.min.js20 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.7.3.js35 kB

Now jQuery.my is jQuery 1.9.0 compatible. Note that using jQuery 1.9.0 requires Sugar JS 1.3.9 — earlier Sugars are incompatible with jQuery 1.9.

Code slightly refactored — minified 0.7.3 is 1 kB shorter than 0.7.2.



jquery.my-0.7.2.min.js21 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.7.2.js35 kB

Compatibility issues with select2 plugin fixed, some other minor bug fixes. Added some new features, read blog article.



jquery.my-0.7.0.min.js18 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.7.0.js32 kB

Most important new feature — new init param added to ui section members and as a root param, it allows to create html code for an entire $.my form and for each control individually with a single $.my call.

It means that you can call $.my only once over an empty <div> and gain full-featured form with all controls rendered and initialized if needed. See Table demo for example.

Event model significantly streamlined — it boosted $.my up and reduced memory consumtion.

$.my now supports Ace, Redactor and select2 plugins. They all are nice, but their APIs and event models are tricky without $.my. With $.my they behave similar to inputcontrols.

Date controls now return string, not Date object.

Mobile browsers compatibility tuned up and, certainly, many bug-fixes and optimizations.



jquery.my-0.5.4.min.js15 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.5.4.js28 kB

Many bug fixes. Most important fix — change event isn’t triggered twice on form when controls like textarea or date receive input.

Handwritten fields are not supported cause they genarate tons of data, it’s extremely memory consuming to store undo for them.



jquery.my-0.5.2.min.js15 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.5.2.js27 kB

$.my now supports jQuery Mobile. There are some issues with Opera Mini, other mobile majors are fine.

Conditional formatting pseudoclass :disabled is supported for all controls except.selectmenu() — it has no disable feature.

Next release will support handwritten input controls on touch devices.



jquery.my-0.5.min.js14.5 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.5.js25 kB

$.my now recognizes .cleditor() rich editor and nested forms.

Nice fat example of nested forms in .sortable() added in Tutorial.

$(o).my("ui") method implemented — now it’s possible to modify or extend control’s list and behavior at runtime. Reference with full list of methods is underway.

Next release in a month I think. Plans — $.mobile and maps compatibility.



jquery.my-0.4.4.min.js13 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.4.4.js24 kB

$.my now recognizes jQuery UI .sortable() and .draggable() controls. See them at the bottom of full list of compatible controls.



jquery.my-0.4.min.js10.5 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.4.js20 kB

Perfomance and memory consumption improvements. Nearly 1/3 of code is refactored and streamlined. List of compatible controls published in API section.



jquery.my-0.3.min.js9 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.3.js15 kB 
jquery.my-0.3.js with SugarJS59 kB

Implemented history — now $.my knows about undo. Also several jQuery UI controls are now supported.

Read about jQuery UI support in Tutorial.



jquery.my-0.2.min.js6 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.2.js11 kB

Read how to set up $.my in Tutorial.



jquery.my-0.1.min.js6 kB  ·  jquery.my-0.1.js9.8 kB

2012-06-12. This version is obsolete.


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